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Where creativity meets clarity

Here, you’ll find articles that not only challenge you to think deeply about creation and personal branding but also guide you to value yourself more profoundly. Whether you’re forging new paths or redefining old ones, you’ll find actionable insight designed to spark transformation and ignite a deeper connection with your authentic self. Join me, and let your unique story unfold.


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Instagram Sucks Right Now

Instagram Sucks Right Now

Stardate: 20 July 2024 Captain's Log: Wow, Instagram sucks right now! For creatives, photographers, designers, etc., Pinterest is gaining traction again. I mean, how could it not? It’s the visual platform IG used to be. So yes, IG is becoming TikTok. That doesn’t mean...

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Over-Givers: It’s Time to Ask for More

Over-Givers: It’s Time to Ask for More

To all you over-givers out here: I am an over-giver or I used to be, but then I learned to ASK FOR MORE. If you make an identity out of being a generous giver but fail to ask for return, you often end up feeling taken advantage of. This makes you an over-giver and...

From Wilted to Lit Up: My Journey as a Creator

From Wilted to Lit Up: My Journey as a Creator

Today, I want to dive into something that’s been pivotal in my own journey and might resonate deeply with you too: the idea of creative evolution and reconnecting with your truth. I love the idea that creatively we evolve every 7 years. I can definitely see this...

Value focused
