By: Sue Bryce
on July 30, 2024


Let’s talk about money. Money is a value metric. If you are a personal brand and you want to make money, listen to this!

I love to teach solopreneurs and creatives how to monetize because I grew up working class with no education, and I soon learned I wasn’t going to make money if I did not learn more.

I teach creatives how to build a personal brand and the seven pillars you have to build around YOU:

  1. Brand
  2. Product and Number
  3. is MONEY – that’s how important it is!

Most people can create a website and social media, and even develop a product or service.

BUT step 3 is MONEY, and if you have bad money energy, YOU WILL GO NO FURTHER. There are five levels to MONEY:

  1. Survival
  2. Stabilization
  3. Management
  4. Accumulation
  5. Investment

SURVIVAL is living month to month with horrible money pain. STABILIZATION is when debt is in control, just enough to scrape by. MANAGEMENT is starting to save an emergency fund. These three equal $ Pain.

What is money pain, you ask? It’s actually guilt and shame! Aka NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

That’s why you can’t grow a business from “I’m not good enough” energy but please validate me by buying from me even though I can’t sell myself because I am not good enough.” Oh yes, this was my startup story. I know when you have $ Pain:

  • YOU can’t ask for money.
  • YOU can’t sell.
  • YOU certainly can’t close.
  • YOU can’t keep money.

Why? Well, it’s simple: YOU don’t believe you’re good enough! You have no direction for money. You have no boundaries around $. You only ask for enough, and that’s what shows up, just less than enough! Never more.

IF YOU ARE STUCK in the first three levels, WELL… You don’t value money! And you don’t value yourself! And everyone says, “YES, I DO!”

Then why don’t you have any?

ACCUMULATION is savings with direction and connection, and INVESTMENT is when your money begets money.

Which level were your parents in growing up? Which one are you now? Is this pattern yours or theirs?

Not only is it fascinating to see your parents’ patterns mirrored in you, but maybe you are the extreme opposite because of how you were raised. Maybe you had parents that were accumulators and investors, but they were tightfisted, controlling, possessive, or manipulative, so you see $ as evil. Just see what level you’re currently at. And if you want to know WHY, SIMPLY CHECK in on your $ past. You are likely mirroring their patterns.

This really comes down to you asking for more. That’s why number four of the big pillars of a brand is equal exchange of value. This is a hard concept when you have low value! How can you value yourself more, value your product more, value your time more, and value your service more? You have to believe in yourself more in order to ask for more, and then you have to start acting like you’re more.

When a personal brand says it’s not working, I say it’s because you don’t value it, because you don’t value you.

When you align your dreams and goals with your heart’s desire, working in your full purpose, when you work with self-value in equal exchange of value, and when your actions and words and intentions and joy are in alignment, you make magic, and magic makes money.

When I hear the word MANIFEST, I hear the word FANTASY.

I want a Maserati GranCabrio. But sitting on the couch with my hands down my pants ain’t manifesting me that car. Because there’s no PATH to it. SIMPLE.

For me, business is tangible manifestation.


  • Create a BRAND
  • Develop a PRODUCT
  • Price it | Value it | Sell it

YOU KNOW those first three simple steps.

I meet hustlers all day! People who want to make money. A hustler wants to make deals but has nothing to sell. GET SOMETHING TO SELL.

I NEED MONEY. Cool, who are you? What do you do? Who do you do it for? How much? What are you selling?

Question for you: Do you love your brand right now? Do you love your products? Really love them? And do you value these two things enough to sell them with confidence? WHY NOT? I always say to businesses, you don’t have a sales problem. You have a value problem. You have to value it before you can sell it.

The steps to manifest are: thought is creation, vision is clarity, authenticity is your truth, it’s connected and heart-activated, alignment brings action, honor your intuition/gut instinct, your creativity, and lastly gratitude. ENJOY it! 

The verb synonyms of MANIFEST are:

  • DECLARE it
  • CONFIRM it
  • EMBODY it
  • PROVE it

The more I valued myself, the more others did too. I unfolded my path and grew in value. This is a constant flow. I am still growing. I continue to grow in value and evolve my business. Now I focus on what is joyful to me.


You can change your money pain. You can break generational poverty. You can change your self-value. You can change your business. I am living, breathing proof of that.

I love MONEY. Not for the love of MONEY but for the freedom and joy it brings me and my family. Learning this CHANGED MY LIFE.

In 2020, I was able to buy my Mum a house. I speak my gratitude every day for every penny that has come my way. I manifest my life, my wealth, health, support, love, balance and freedom and I share it with as many people as I can.

Through this journey, one of the greatest lessons was to truly know who I am and love who I am so that I can know what I want and also love the path to it. I create a vision for myself and see it with clarity. I speak it up. I speak it forward. I speak it into existence. I speak from the heart because authenticity is the truth. It’s my truth, my heart’s desire; connection is heart activation. I have certainty and conviction—this is alignment. When your mind, voice, goals, dreams, and heart are in alignment, this creates action. Your goal every day is to reconnect to this alignment.

Thank you so much for your time today. I wish you well on your business journey.

When you are ready to jump in, the next workshop is September 10-11 with seven weeks of live coaching. 

Let me help you build the PERSON in the BRAND.

Who Is SPEAK For?

  • Content Curators
  • Podcasters
  • Broadcasters
  • Stage Presenters
  • Craft Instructors
  • Coaches & Mentors
  • Brand Ambassadors
  • Networkers
  • Hosts
  • And anyone with a forward-facing brand

When I started, I felt like a mime…

If I’m honest, I was frustrated because I was really suffering from cotton mouth. I could talk passionately to friends and family, but the thought of standing in front of people—or even online—felt crippling. As I broke through, I learned that the fear was actually a fear of rejection—which makes a lot of sense. Putting yourself out there feels like standing naked in front of the world. It feels like the whole world is watching and judging you, but they’re not! It’s actually you judging yourself.

Now, with social media and personal brands evolving so much, we are marketing all of our content ourselves. Until you learn how to find your voice and start speaking—on reels, at networking events, and yes, even on stage—trust me, it’s going to transform your business, and I promise you, it’s going to transform your life. I thought I was paralyzed by the fear of speaking, but honestly, I just didn’t know how to do it.

Putting Yourself Out There in Your Marketing and Branding

If you’re struggling to find your voice, start with this simple (but challenging) exercise:
1.    Film Yourself Talking for 2 Minutes.
Don’t prepare anything—just talk. Talk about your career, talk about the people you love… just talk.
2.    Watch It.
Seeing and hearing yourself on camera can be uncomfortable at first. If you struggle with any part of this, go back to step one and start again.


  1. Film It
    •    In the car or near a window for good lighting.
    •    Remember to smile!
  2. Watch It
    •    See yourself, hear yourself. If you can’t, film it again.
  3. Feel It
    •    If it feels uncomfortable or inauthentic, film it again.
  4. Accept It
    •    You’ll know when it’s authentic because you’ll start to like seeing yourself.
  5. Embrace It
    •    Notice your quirks and feel your words. This is a truly extraordinary exercise.

This process took me weeks, but I realized that when I was being the most genuine, I started to feel this warmth for myself—like I was seeing myself for the first time.

Here’s the thing: if it’s not authentic, you can’t watch it. You will know. So will everyone else.

As we enter this New Year/New You phase, set a powerful intention to truly put yourself and your business out there.

The January SPEAK workshop is already sold out. If you want to learn more and apply for the next workshop, the application link is HERE.  

Join the conversation.


  1. Susan

    Dear Sue,

    Thank you for this enlightening vlog post!

    i have been a photographer for 30 years and in that time i’ve had incredible success. I’ve been studying and practicing manifestation techniques and working with energy for decades. This has helped me to create so much success… however… i’ve always had problems with money. I’ve made a lot and lost a lot. through my success i attracted money but lost in unexpected ways which caused incredible money pain.

    after watching your vlog, it really affected me on a deep level. I started to cry because it really touched a lot of pain within me and it shed light on a lot of limiting beliefs i’ve had since i was a child. i’ve never really looked at this until now!

    my mother and father made a lot of money but that was used to control and manipulate each other and also me and my sister. Even as an adult this dynamic in relationships was still playing out.

    i remember saying to my friends as a teenager and even in my twenties that I didn’t really want money because i saw all the pain it caused my parent’s relationship. I used to say that money doesn’t bring you happiness, my parents are living proof of that…. i see now how this has really played out in my adult life. partners that did not have money and when i made money, i lost it.

    Thank you so much for your beautiful message. This has been a revelation to me!

    with love and gratitude

    • Sue Bryce

      Oh I love this thank you for the insight. Once you clear their patterns you will truly change.

  2. Tiffany Chapman Photography

    You have been a part of my business jouRney since 2016. I have been working so hard on my money mindset. Ive done courses, hired mentors, and now i have a biz coach. I am still a work in progress. After losing my full time job in 2020 and taking all of my severance and retirement fund and not investing properly i am living day by day for money to flow in. I made some poor decisions That i have to live with. But i am slowly shifting my money perspective. I have had a few setbacks but having someone in your corner to help you is key to your success. Your blog inigited a small flame in me. I have to reboot and replace my current mindset. Gosh i admire you and appreciate all that you have given me over the years. This is my 10th year in business and only my 4th year being a full time photographer. I turn 56 next month and have a goal to get myself out of debt within the next 3 years and finally start a retirement fund. Thank you for being a wonderful asset in my journey. You rock!

    • Sue Bryce

      I am so incredibly proud of you for getting where you are and remember you grow in increments of value and look how many levels you have already walked. Don’t stop now. Keep going until the money is flowing because you are worth that you have evidence now it’s time to focus and give it strong direction the more focus and the more direction and the more heart activation the faster it will come, it’s time to ask for more to keep for you. You’ve got this.

  3. Montse gibert

    Sue, thank you!
    You put into words my feelings with money.
    Clearly my relationship with money at the moment is survival, I don’t value myself. I ask God for what I need, and exactly I receive what I ask, so my account balance is 0, I get a bill, and the money for the bill arives, and it goes. sadly is what I value myself, 0. Luckily this year I found a mentor,and you. to reasure myself I bought your pose classes, to make sure i have no doubts while working, to feel secure and in control of the shootings. Which i love. i’ve been focusing my services to portraits. to do what i love the most, feel women happy empowered and with selfconfidence. and yes, as you say, problem number one to solve is my own confidence, how i will produce beautiful portraits if my selfconfidence value is 0?
    i listened to this blog about money this morning several times, and i will listen 100 more until is engraved in my soul.
    all this believes come from chiildhood, but i am in my 50’s now, i should know better. but still carry around this guilt and shame.
    just have to repeat to myself how much love and worth i have for myself everyday in the mirror.

    • Sue Bryce

      Thank you and wow look at this awareness now you can ask for more.


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