“You spoke to me in away none of the other motivational speakers have that I watch and trust me there are plenty. You got into my soul. You spoke to me. I don't have an eating problem; I have a smoking problem. I quit, it last 8-9 months and I always lose it. I've always said it's because summer comes and I miss sitting on the deck and smoking. That is ridiculous! There has to be another reason, maybe it is the 10-15 pounds I put on even though I'm eating healthy and exercising. I've been fat before, in my 20's, I was in my first black hole, not dating anyone and all my friends were getting married. I was exercising all the time, but the weight would not come off. Eventually it did, but it's also when I took up smoking. Maybe I need to go back 30 years ago and deal with the pain that started it all. I also have the problem of putting myself out there for the public. I've had a website, I spent money for and still have not made it public, it's been over 6 months now! It's just sitting there, not completely done and I don't even look at it much. I just took on a new small business selling makeup. I take awful selfies, I pick myself apart, every part of my face I can find fault in. In this new business, I need to take selfies of the makeup I'm selling. I spent close to a $1,000 on stock and another $300 the other day and have not sold one thing yet since I became a distributor over 2 months ago. Reason? I hate my selfies! My bff came over yesterday, and helped me get my business page up and posted. Today I need to do a selfie of the lipstick I'm wearing. Wish me luck. I've practiced and practiced and I hate all of them. My fear is everyone knows me as a photographer, and I can't even take a good picture of me I like, let alone love. I was in another black hole in 2008 and that is when I found Louise Hay and I also have the book You Can Heal Your Life. It sits on the top shelve of my closet; I think it's time to bring it down and revisit it again. Thank you Sue Bryce, I'm so happy I have found you. This course needs to be offered publicly to everyone! I will be coming back and watching again and again, until I find out what makes me tick, or not tick. I need to value myself as a photographer and as a middle aged woman! We only get one life to live and it's time to start living the life I want for myself and the word that describes what it is I want - is FREEDOM! to live life on my terms, my own schedule not one someone else has made for me. I want to spend the years left creating beautiful photography that people appreciate and will pay for, I want to be financially free of debt! Now I need to start taking the action to achieve what I truly want in life. Thank you Sue! I will be watching this over and over.”
— Brenda Toby