By: Sue Bryce
on August 5, 2024


A Personal Brand is Holistic

You are the voice and face; you are the brand.

Building a personal brand is a significant learning curve. It’s an intense microscope on who you really are as a person, challenging your old identity and everything you believe about yourself. However, this is not a new identity.

You are choosing the truest version of yourself—the most authentic part of you. That’s why it’s important to really know who you are and what you want.

Putting yourself out there is hard when you don’t know who you are or are too afraid to be that version of yourself.

How is a business holistic?

The energy of a business filters down from the top. That’s why, when I am in a coffee shop getting bad service, I know this kid has a bad manager and, therefore, a disconnected owner—you can feel it.

When I drop the ball in my business—when I’m burning out, when I’m stressed out, when I’m not working from a place of giving, when I get resentful about my clients, my staff, the economy—I’m not being a good leader for my staff or my business. I am pushing all of that stress onto them, and then they don’t perform. When I do these things, it shows up immediately in my income.

Tired, stressed, burned out, but there’s not enough! Not getting paid but paying everyone else—not enough for me! You can’t attract clients from this place.

You cannot be a good leader to your team. You will only attract more stress and less money!

Answer me this: where is your physical pain right now?

Is it your neck and jaw? (Can’t speak up, can’t set boundaries, angry that your boundaries keep getting breached?)

Maybe it’s in your shoulder—carrying the weight of responsibility or a burden.

Is it your digestive tract—unable to process true feelings?

Is it your hips? (No self-care, no boundaries, unable to communicate that you need support?)

Lower back—money stress, not feeling safe, putting pressure on yourself?

Put your hand on your gut. Listen to your gut instinct. Am I on the right path?

If all this stress is being stored in our body, if business is doing this to us, imagine what we are putting into our business energy.

This is where you attract from.

You are not asking for the right type of support, or you are living someone else’s dream, so it’s not fulfilling to you. Or you are working from a place of lack and stress, and that’s what you’re going to get more of. Manifestation is focus and emotion—what am I focused on, and how do I feel about it?

If you don’t feel good every day, if you don’t feel good about this brand, product, or service, how can you value it?


  • Do you love this brand?
  • Do you love this product?
  • Do you love you?

You need to fall in love with your brand, your product, and yourself so you can sell it.

When there is no connection, there is no heart activation, no balance; money is never consistent. There are no boundaries, no self-value, and lots of people-pleasing.

Because you are not living your truth. You are not living your purpose.

You are not living how you really want!

The 8 pillars of a Personal Brand are:

  • Brand: Your face—identity.
  • Product: If you made it/do it—it’s your creation.
  • Money: How you currently treat money. More value.
  • Equal Exchange: In direct proportion to your self-value and what you are asking for.
  • Service & Experience: Your connection.
  • Systems: Your structure.
  • Marketing: Your voice.
  • You: The magic in all of it.

It’s when you feel this:

  • Brand: I love this brand.
  • Product: I love this product.
  • Money: I value money and give it direction.
  • Equal Exchange: I ask for more for more.
  • Service: I feel connected—I love sharing this.
  • Systems: My systems are working.
  • Marketing: I found my voice and my self-confidence.
  • You: I know who I am and what I want.

How do you feel about these 8 pillars in your brand?

Which of these 8 do you need to work on?

Which one feels out of balance?

Which areas do you feel stuck in?

If you have started and it’s not working or it just doesn’t feel right, listen to your gut.

Something is not connected to you—something is not valuable to you—because if it was, money would be flowing, joy would keep growing, and you would feel energized.

Regardless of how you speak and how you act, manifestation is about how you think and feel—that’s your interior life (in your head)—and no one knows what’s going on in that head of yours.

If what you think and feel is different from what you say or do, you are not living your truth.

I know there’s no balance and very little self-care, so what are you fighting? Yourself—you are fighting yourself to put yourself out there!

When you are ready, you can join me for the Personal Brand workshop live on September 10 & 11.



Who Is SPEAK For?

  • Content Curators
  • Podcasters
  • Broadcasters
  • Stage Presenters
  • Craft Instructors
  • Coaches & Mentors
  • Brand Ambassadors
  • Networkers
  • Hosts
  • And anyone with a forward-facing brand

When I started, I felt like a mime…

If I’m honest, I was frustrated because I was really suffering from cotton mouth. I could talk passionately to friends and family, but the thought of standing in front of people—or even online—felt crippling. As I broke through, I learned that the fear was actually a fear of rejection—which makes a lot of sense. Putting yourself out there feels like standing naked in front of the world. It feels like the whole world is watching and judging you, but they’re not! It’s actually you judging yourself.

Now, with social media and personal brands evolving so much, we are marketing all of our content ourselves. Until you learn how to find your voice and start speaking—on reels, at networking events, and yes, even on stage—trust me, it’s going to transform your business, and I promise you, it’s going to transform your life. I thought I was paralyzed by the fear of speaking, but honestly, I just didn’t know how to do it.

Putting Yourself Out There in Your Marketing and Branding

If you’re struggling to find your voice, start with this simple (but challenging) exercise:
1.    Film Yourself Talking for 2 Minutes.
Don’t prepare anything—just talk. Talk about your career, talk about the people you love… just talk.
2.    Watch It.
Seeing and hearing yourself on camera can be uncomfortable at first. If you struggle with any part of this, go back to step one and start again.


  1. Film It
    •    In the car or near a window for good lighting.
    •    Remember to smile!
  2. Watch It
    •    See yourself, hear yourself. If you can’t, film it again.
  3. Feel It
    •    If it feels uncomfortable or inauthentic, film it again.
  4. Accept It
    •    You’ll know when it’s authentic because you’ll start to like seeing yourself.
  5. Embrace It
    •    Notice your quirks and feel your words. This is a truly extraordinary exercise.

This process took me weeks, but I realized that when I was being the most genuine, I started to feel this warmth for myself—like I was seeing myself for the first time.

Here’s the thing: if it’s not authentic, you can’t watch it. You will know. So will everyone else.

As we enter this New Year/New You phase, set a powerful intention to truly put yourself and your business out there.

The January SPEAK workshop is already sold out. If you want to learn more and apply for the next workshop, the application link is HERE.  

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